

Fagkundskab om maskinsikkerhed, som vi gerne vil give videre til konstruktører og brugere af maskin- og anlægsteknik, er samlet sammen hos udviklings -og konstruktionsafdelingerne i Schmersal-gruppen.

Vi har bl.a. udgivet flere fagbøger om dette emne.

mrl news / Edition 2021/02


  • There are many ways to a safe machine
  • Anniversary: Five years of tec.nicum
  • Why manipulation protection is important
  • Safety solutions to prevent unexpected start-up
  • Placing products on the UK market after Brexit
  • Risk assessment in accordance with the Industrial Safety Regulation – mandatory or optional?
  • Safe control technology on smaller machinery: integrated or separated?
  • The tec.nicum academy seminar programme for 2021/22

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mrl news / Edition 2021/01


  • Editorial: New solutions for the safety of machinery, occupational H & S and infection prevention
  • Revision of EN ISO 14119
  • New statistics from the German Federal Institute for Occupational H & S
  • Guest article: EN 60204-1: Aspects from practice in relation to ‘earthing’
  • White paper: Practical safety solution for setup operation
  • Testing of active optoelectronic protective devices
  • New products and services for infection prevention from Schmersal
  • The tec.nicum academy seminar programme for 2021

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mrl news / Issue 2020.02

Table of Contents

  • Editorial: Occupational safety during the coronavirus pandemic
  • New: tec.nicum Support Ticket
  • Seminars from the tec.nicum academy
  • Industrial robot safety - what's new?
  • tec.nicum now offering companies risks assessment for infection prevention
  • Lived practice rather than grey theory
  • Risk assessments made easy

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A new book looking at current issues in machine safety

What factors do the designers and vendors of machines have to take into account when marketing their products in the European Union? This is the question answered by the new book recently published by the Schmersal Group called "Maschinensicherheit in Europa" (Machine Safety in Europe).

In 30 essays on 400 richly illustrated pages, 26 authors present the most important regulations governing machine safety. The essays span from functional safety to fluid power systems and pressure equipment directives. The authors also give an insight into markets beyond the EU including China, Japan, Russia and the USA, and introduce the regulations in these countries.

The book will be of interest to both the designers of international plant and machinery and the safety engineers operating the systems. The authors of the articles are all experts in their respective fields, and explain the topics in an understandable and comprehensive manner, independently of any manufacturer.

Graduate engineer and economist, Philip Schmersal, General Manager of K.A. Schmersal GmbH & Co. KG:
"Reliable use of high quality and norm-compliant products and systems for machine safety assumes engineers know about the relevant regulations and are capable of implementing them. With this new book we want to increase awareness of safe operation of plant and machinery, and communicate the basic principles at an international level."

"Maschinensicherheit in Europa” (Machine Safety in Europe) (publisher Frank Schmidt, ISBN 978-3-935966-25-2) can be purchased for €29.90 from bookshops.

ZVEI: Safety of Machinery

Are you a machine manufacturer or system integrator?
Do you update machinery?

This is what you need to consider in the future in terms of functional safety!

Notes on the application of standards EN 62061 an EN ISO 13849-1

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A New Approach to Machine Safety

prEN ISO 13 849-1 – Safety-related Parts of Control Systems. In this brochure we extensively highlight the core speech at the Elan lecture event 2005, which dealt with the discontinuation of the EN 954-1 standard and the new regulations in the revised standard EN ISO 13 849-1.With the initiative to release this brochure, the SCHMERSAL Group intents to emphasise their advanced competence on safety of machinery. For us as a supplier of safety switchgear and safety systems designed to protect people, machines and equipment we also wish to provide our customers with additional information on boundaries and background knowledge in order to become their partner of preference when it comes to the implementation of safety components for machines and machine control.

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